Registered Land (Section 49)

Claims for Adverse Possession

In response to an adverse possession or Section 49 application, Tailte Éireann may ask that all next-of-kin of the last registered property owner be contacted. They may also ask that contact be made with all owners of adjacent properties.

The last registered property owner may have passed away many years previous and a family tree is needed to determine their next-of-kin. This may be straightforward if family are known and in touch however we can help when next-of-kin are abroad and have lost contact with their family in Ireland.

Neighbours or adjacent property owners may be easily contactable if they live nearby however if they reside elsewhere then we can assist with research to locate them.

If you have already have a list of queries returned by Tailte Éireann then we can help with these and if the application has yet to be made then we can trace next-of-kin in advance and therefore avoid unnecessary delays and streamline the process.

Finders International have assisted on many adverse possession or Section 49 applications, please see our case studies.

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